St. Augustine Shores, Florida
Mary Vella Calls Sheriff!

A Community Project / and more!

• St Augustine Shores Homeowner Mary Vella Calls Sheriff! Drama Queen Moments ~ Recorded On Video Cam!

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

Mary Vella

St Augustine Shores Resident Mary F. Vella Calls the Sheriff!
The above photos were taken by "Mr. Frank" on Feb. 19, 2022.
That day, resident Mary Vella told Law Enforcement/Deputies: "He (Francis Paul, AKA "Mr. Frank") is not allowed to be on the property across the street from her & not allowed to be there!"

Mr. Frank : Hey Mary, since when do you rule the world?

Unbeknownst to Homeowner Mary Vella, Mr. Frank, upon arriving that Saturday for the first time was already qualified. Under Florida Law, his documents as evidence were presented to both Sheriff's Deputies that day, on the spot and approved.

At one point, the Deputy told Mary and friend Lou Iglesias (pictured above) to "get off of his property, or be arrested!"

If  "a picture tells a thousand words,"  What words might they be?
Mr. Frank : Have a look at the pictures above & you tell me.

Mr. Frank occupied and lived in that house for about 1 year.
In those 12 months, Mr. Frank paid over $7,000. in out-of-pocket expenses; repairs, cleaning, lawn care, labor & materials, etc.

Mr. Frank : The incident as described above was the beginning of the ongoing and continuing feud between neighbors and myself, St Augustine Shores Service Corp; President, VP, Board Members, Management, etc.

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